My father is sufferring for Hip Joint TB. he is 62 yrs old. He is taking anti tb medicine from 31.7.2013. from 31st July to 5th october 2013 he took medicine like Rimstar 4fdc 5 tabs every day (Ethambutol HCI 275mg, INH 75mg, Pyrazinamide 400mg,Rifampicin 150mg) X 5 every day. on the first week of october his blood pressure become to high 210/110. We consult with doctor , docotor advice some medicie to reduce blood pressure , and ask to take rimactazid 300 2 tablet daily (INH 150mg, Rifampicin 300mg X 2)and ask for creatinine test and it becomes 2.7, after 3 weeks we do again creatinine test it becomes 3.1, ESR 115, RBC 6-8. his HB is 8, he does have diabetics. please give me some advice why till now esr is high, hb is reducing and creatinine is become increasing.