Hi, Problem : Suffering from Neck and Shoulder Pain Since 6 Months Nature Of Work : Working On Computer for 7 - 8 hours a day since 9 years in IT History : Mild Pain exists throughout the day (Area of Pain Differs at times it resides in the area between neck and shoulder , at times on the back side of shoulder muscle but mostly around shoulder joint ) .Pain Increases if any repetitive kind of work is performed like driving , working on system. Depending on the severity of pain swelling is seen in and around the shoulder joint and the portion between neck and shoulders ( I think it is Trapizious Muscle).As a part of Treatment took physiotherapy for around 15 days on and off and Used medicines like Ultracet ,Combiplan, Naprocyn and Corcium under doctors supervision. Temporarily Getting relieved from pain If I wear cervical collar belt for short intervals around neck.Severity of pain remains maximum after waking up from sleep.