I am 39 years old and although I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, I am aware of what they are and what they feel like. I have been having all the classic symptoms of anxiety. ( dizziness, the adrenalin rush, ect). However I have been dizzy for quite a while . Not everyday although lately I have been. I have extreme heaviness in my head and feel nausea and tightness in my chest that comes and goes through out the day . I know that these are anxiety symptoms but I feel that because I'm feeling these symptoms it's bringing on the anxiety. I had gone to an allergist asking if these can be allergies that I must be having and he did say yes. I went to a neuro 11 years ago when my anxiety started and everything looked good. I wake up fine and mid day it starts. I've taken Claritin and it doesn't seem to help that much. I'd love to hear your opinion on what you think of all this. Thanks