My name is sanjay gupta age 47 years lives at Patna . I was suffering from cough for seven days i.e 1.4.13 and suffering from maxilliary sinusitis more than 15 years and one time I was made pucture and wash for frontal sinusitis in 2005. In those three days i.e 1/4/13 to 3/4/13 i have fever also. but fever has end.Dr. has prescribed the medicine for cough and maxillary sinusitis \ 1. doxfylline 400mg 1tab two times for 20 days
2. Mucomelt A one tab three times for 7 days and telekast M one tab at night for 20 days. My Probelem is when the seasson has changed my chest are tight and gum type cough was exiting from my throat. Blood test i.e CBC=Normal . Blood sugar Normal, CHest has no tuberculosis, SGOPand SGPT-Normal, HIV elisa is negative, I would like to know is the said medicines is harmful and these medicine will be effective for the said disease. CHest is normal sir i am poor student and pl solve my problem