Since all of your symptoms are due to adverse effects of high blood sugar levels,you must make every effort to bring it back to Normal.
Since long standing
diabetes has effects on your cardiovascular system,
kidney,eyes,nervous system,
lipid profile etc,you require thorough blood examinations along with an eye examination.
You must consult a physician or a
diabetologist for that.
Once investigated,proper anti diabetics can be prescribed to ou which shall make you all right.
Other thing to remember is to take dietary precaution along with regular exercises and reduction of weight.
Avoid sweets and junk foods.
Avoid colas and fried and fatty foods.
Try to take small meals and take them 5 to 6times a day instead of normal three large meals.
You must remember that diabetes is a lifestyle diseas and to combat it ,you have to make lifestyle changes along with regular medicines and regular visits to your doctor.