1. are you sure its hair loss and not hair fall?
2. possible factor is
dandruff,testicular imbalance,
3. excess of pitta dosha is the root cause of hair loss (do you get easily irritated/angry?)
4. locate the root cause in your diet and lifestyle that is/may be increasing pitta dosha.
5. take nutritious diet (
Vitamin C,sulphur,iron,zinc,vitamin B complex, and essential fatty acids.
6. take plenty of green leafy vegetables, salad,sprouts, soyabean while avoiding
Vitamin A rich diet (carrot,mango,apricots,pumpkin,squash,egg) as overdose of vit.A will cause further hair loss
7. you should practise 'vajrassan' and 'pawanmukta assan' yogig poses alongwith use of amalaki rasayan and
brahmi oil