My age is 41, I have +ve montox test 12x15mm, tested 16 years back also was almost same. Resently I suffer from hemospermia ( not fresh blood ), so gone through many tests like ultrasound scrotum , TRUS, MRI pelvis seminal vessels , semen DNA PCR, quantiferon gold for TB, semen culture, X-ray chest , & last micobecterium semen culture. 1) DNA PCR result is inhibition detected. 2) MRI shows left side seminal vessel is small & atrophic & reveals hypo intense signals intensity on T2W/ STIR image, few small Hyperintence foci are also seen within the seminal vessel on T1W images most likely hemorrhagic foci . The AP diameter measures 6mm rest all is ok 3) quantiferon gold test is positive. 4) mycrobecteum semen culture 2nd week test is negative. 5) ESR is 03. I was prescribed AKT4 for tb My prob is that should I wait for 4th & 6th week test of Mycobecterium semen test reports or start AKT4 Hemospermia happened first 2 months back.