Hello, mjcreative23,
You state that you have had
hyperacidity for many years. Years ago we
treated acid problems with antacids like Maalox or Mylanta. Then came
the H2-Blockers such as Tagamet, Zantac, Prevacid and Pepcid, the one
you are taking in addition to
Omeprazole. I am sure you have seen a
gastroenterologist who has performed endoscopy to rule out ulcers in
the lower part of the
esophagus and a pre-cancerous condition called
"Barett's esophagus" diagnosed by looks and biopsy.
Chronic cough especially at nights,
sore throat,
hoarseness, aggravation
of attacks of Asthma are all related to
acid reflux.
I hope you are avoiding eating late at night.
If you are taking Omez DSR, make sure you take the drug at least an
hour to hour and a half before your meals.
You can develop lack of response to Raz0 20 after about 7-10 days.
Take that before you go to bed and try to take it alternate weeks.
Keep your head of the bed elevated.
If you are drinking a lot of milk, cut that way down because the calcium
in the milk makes your stomach produce more acid. Same for Coffee or tea,
tomato products.
Hope this helps. If the problem continues , speak with the GI specialist who
can modify treatment may be with a change of drug.
Wish you well.