Hi I am chinni krishna, my uncle (69 Yrs OLD) has suffering with low hemoglobine, Now he is in TIRUPATI ( Andhra pradesh) INDIA, He consult the doctor and he adviced to go for Bone Narrow test, He had taken the report and the report results follows like. MYELOBLASTS:02% PROMYELOCYTES:03% MYELOCYTES:07% METAMYELOCYTES:09% BANDFORAS: 10% NEUTROPHILS:04% BONE NARROW ASPIRATION HAS YIELDED GOOD PARTICULATE SMEARS WHICH ARE HYPERCELLULAR. THE MYELOID ERYTHROID RATION 1.1:1. THE ERYTHROIDS REVEAL DYSERYTHROPOIESIS WITH MEGALOBLASTIC CHANGES. THE MYELOIDS ARE DCREASED IN DISTIBUTION WITH FEW GAINT METAMYELOCYTES. THERE ARE LYOHOCYTES AND STRIKING PRESENCE OF PLASAMACELLS AND DISCRETELY AND CLUSTERS. MEGAKARYOCYTES ARE ADEQUATE. HAEMATOLOGICAL IMPRESSION. when i ask second opinion about this report in NIMS (HYDERABAD) INDIA. here doctor said that no cancer found in this report. but my uncle hemoglobine will be decrease, now he is having 3% hemoglobine. please give your valuable advaise to me. Thanks in advance