I fell on my knees, on concrete, after I tripped on a pothole. I had no hands free to save myself so my full weight went on my knees, mostly my left. I was in agony & went into shock, but I refused help (I'm so stubborn, lol). I was ok ish after about 10 mins, I could get up & walk, but I couldn't bend my knee. I limped for a few days trying to keep my leg straight. I can now bend it, but it is still tender to touch & it is blindingly painful if I kneel. I have no problem at all putting weight on it though. The fall was a week ago. My husband is pestering me to get it checked, but I'm not sure I need to. Should I see a doctor? There is no heat, numbness, change in sensation or colour (apart from bruising), I don't know if my knee feels any different as it is too painful to palpate. I'm guessing it's just bruising that is causing the pain on kneeling, as anything more would mean pain on weight bearing.