my husband has atleast stage 3 possibly stage 4a pancreatic cancer ( I say it that way because I do not fully understand the staging and no one will tell us what stage he is) his tumor is located at the head of his pancreas with venous involvement of both the SMV and the portal vein. He has had his gall bladder and appendix taken out as well as having a bowel blockage bypassed and a j tube inserted. He is now experiencing pain every time he eats as well as more frequent bouts of constipation again accompanied by a lot of nausea after eating. I have him on resource 2.0 270 ML at 60ML/hr as well as a low fat, low fiber, low salt diet as tolerated by mouth. He takes Reglan to aid in digestion, as well as Nexium for Barrett s Esophagus and this is supplemented with Zantac once a day (nexium at night, zantac in the morning). He also takes Tramadol for pain, but if the pain gets to be too much he will exchange a dose or two for a dose or two of Oxycodone. What else can we do to ease his pain and constipation? Oh, I forgot... to help aid in the fluid absorbtion in his bowels we use 60 ML 3x a day of water to flush his j tube.