I want to pose a situation to you with questions as to what might or might be occurring. My husband is 80+ years old. He has had some strange nightmares over the last five or six years. He has hit me and kicked me in the calf of my leg as he was dreaming he was trying to keep someone at a distance who was going to do him harm. Just three weeks ago he was dreaming a sniper was after him (w/a gun) and he was going to roll under a bush. He rolled alright but off the bed striking the left side of his face - receiving wounds along the eyebrow, the nose, his cheek and a puncture underneath his chin. Needless to say, blood was everywhere. Then, just this week, I was awakened with his head at my waistline. His head was bobbing up & down. I could tell there was other bodily movements. I told him- "I'll hold you onto the bed. Don't fall." I thought perhaps he was coming back from the bathroom & had fallen onto the bed. Instead- he said he was dreaming that- "he was running & getting ready to jump over a ditch." Could there be something neurological going on to cause this? He is aware that his memory has worsened. Any information or lead would be helpful.