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Sleep Disorders Questions & Answers

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2 1 Mon, 3 Mar 2025
I have not been able to fall asleep easily, and I have only been getting sleep every other night recently, even when I do fall asleep it usually takes 4-6 hours for me to fall asleep. I have tried various prescriptions and over the counter options, but I have not found anything that can help me...
2 1 Tue, 2 Apr 2024
Hi, Doctor I am suffring with Sleeping issue, I can t sleep every night I wake middle if night after I can t sleep Next day I feel fatigue more sleepy daytime not concentrate my work almost year my doctor prescribed Tradazone I try lot of side effect he advised me another medication zoldipiam...
2 1 Tue, 31 Jan 2023
Hi. I am waking up in the night about 30 times between 15-20 mins of sleep. I am woken up by a strong urge to urinate, almost a pain in my penis. I have a burning sensation whilst urinating. Each time I urinate there is a strong flow and urine always clear, unless I pass clean blood about every...
2 1 Mon, 19 Dec 2022
My son now almost 37 has rocked in his sleep since he was born. On his hands and knees as a baby banging his head against the headboard. He tells me tonight it’s keeps his wife up and he wakes up in the middle of the night 2-3 in the morning. What suggestions do you have for him.
2 1 Fri, 30 Sep 2022
Hi I had last period on 24th September aftr that had unprotected sex with my husband .tested three times with prega news Kit. Every time it shows negative result. Had regestrone tab till 14th October night. Not had period till 17th October today. What to do next?
2 1 Fri, 9 Sep 2022
been taking gabapetin for three weeks now for neck pain, increased from 100 mg a day to 800 mg a day. None of the annotated side effects, but been having problems falling asleep now even though I take several medications for sleeping {PTSD}. Has become worse as med was increased.
2 1 Fri, 8 Nov 2019
Hi! I have been having trouble sleeping at night and I have a problem where I wake up around 3am every morning, I then go back to sleep afterward.I have been very tired lately and feel my sleep is restless. Its very odd and I experience lower back pain during the night aswell. I m not sure what...
2 1 Fri, 9 Aug 2019
I can sleep anytime, fall asleep on the couch wake up go to bed, but every night at approx. 2 a.m. I wake up toss and turn the rest of the night and actually wake up with a headache and I m dizzy because I have tossed and turned for over 4 straight hours. I do have RA and a lot of inflammation,...
2 1 Mon, 22 Jul 2019
Symptoms of my son...He is 29 years old. His fiancée called and said he pulled an all-nighter last night due to work and was up all day until around 5 tonight. They had sex and he fainted, couldn t stand, couldn t see. He didn t eat much today so she made him a sandwich and gave him some water....
2 1 Fri, 12 Jul 2019
Is mx3 500 mg capsules Good for insomnia ? If so, when is the best time to take it and what is the dosage ? I have chronic insomnia for alnost 10 years ..tried almost everything , pills , anti depressants , acupuncture ,sleep hygience, Cpap and brain MRI , but My insomnia is still here
2 1 Wed, 3 Jul 2019
Dear doctor,I am suffering from horrible night dreams daily. Is it a problem? How can I solve my nightmares? Is there any treatment for this?
2 1 Fri, 28 Jun 2019
For the last 2 or 3 days ive been real sleepy during the day time and sometimes i sleep for a long time and sometimes i dont but im concerned cause at school i feel drowsy and sleepy too. The other day when i was going to the store with my dad i couldnt keep my eyes open
2 1 Sat, 15 Jun 2019
I am unable to stay asleep. I go to bed around 10:30 and fall asleep but wake up almost every hour. I can fall back to sleep but by 5:30 I get up. I had this problem last fall and saw a sleep doctor, he said all my senses like smell, taste, mouth being really sore, noise in ears were over...
2 1 Sat, 15 Jun 2019
I am diagnosed bi polar and mainly manic 75% of the time. Over 20 years I have been on everything. I am still mot med relieved, ever, but my worse issue is sleep. I have tried everything and lately the meds I am trying have horrific side effects. I try behavioral patterns also, but the mania...
2 1 Sat, 15 Jun 2019
i have been suffering from insomnia for over 12 years and have been taking the following drugs for my insomnia drugs are not effective as before. Please advise me how to use or change other medicines. The drugs I have been using since 2000; 1/ Clonapzepam 2 mg., amitriptylline 25 mg., and...
2 1 Mon, 1 Apr 2019
2 1 Fri, 29 Mar 2019
I have had a medication change from xanax to klonopin at abither doctor s request. I was on a low dose of 1mg xanax for severe insomnia and have been changed to 1 mg of klonopin but getting no relief. what suggestions fo you have? I have used Ambien but it is a hit or miss drug for me and only...
2 1 Wed, 20 Mar 2019
I took a Xanax .25 tablet around 7 pm and was able to sleep until 9 pm. Now am awake again. Trouble going to sleep. Took a melatonin but still can t get back to sleep. Anxiety pops me up. Should I take Xanax again? This med frightens me because it is said to be habit forming and I don t want to...
2 1 Wed, 20 Mar 2019
I am 83 years old and have had sleep problems for years. I ve been using zolpidem and diazepam for years (not together) which are effective. Now hearing that both could predispose brain to Alzheimers and want to stop using them. Any suggestions for replacement medications?
2 1 Fri, 15 Mar 2019
I have a sleep disorder something to do with the receptors in my brain. When I sleep I am in my dreams and not sleeping. I ve had a sleep study done & I have sleep apnea. I am using a machine at night. Clonazepam is the medication I am taking. Does it have any side effects with Zoloft?
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