My Wife Aged 34 is suffering from Psoraitic Athretis , she is having diebetis + Thyroid too , Doctors have prescribed Oncotrex twice a week and folvite once a week. He sewllings have been in control after using these for One Month Inmecin 25 MG - 3 doz, Pregabid - 2 Doz , Shelcal OS - 2 Doz , Altroxin - 2 in Morning , Dianorm 1 1/2 wyslone 11/2 in Morning are other regular Medicines . The doctor is asking her to stop Inmecin and Pregabid , but if stopped she gets immense pain , what can be done to control her severe pain in all the Joints , if suggested will consult the Doctor . Kindly reply