Hi there,
Thank you for writing to us
I am sorry to know that you are suffering from a couple of conditions i.e.
diabetes and
ulcerative colitis.
I will answer your questions one by one so that you have a clear understanding.
Q1." i want to know is it dangeours to take Steroid in Diabetes? or only
mesacol OD is enough for UC."
Actually the thing that you should know here is that
steroids are never used in ulcerative colitis only for
short periods of time to control the acute worsening of symptoms that you may have from time to time.
The longterm treatment for ulcerative colitis is mesacol.
Steroids when taken can in themselves cause diabetes, "steroid induced diabetes". So ideally speaking we should try our level best to avoid steroids in diabetic patients as much as we can.
However sometimes it is not possible to avoid steroids because steroids are life saving medications and sometimes they just have to be used.
In those cases where it is absolutely necessary for you to have steroids they will be given to you but your doctor will also keep a close eye on your blood
glucose levels as well and control the glucose levels with medications.
Coming on to your second question:
Q2: "My weight is reduces 6-7 kg present weight is 51.5 kg is my weight will increse?"
Your weight is reduced because your blood glucose is not under controlled.
Once your blood glucose come in control with medications your weight will start to gain.