Dear friend,
Sertraline is a new type of antidepressant called a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor, or SSRI. There are several. Sertraline is one that i widely prescribed. So is paroxitine. So is
fluoxetine. There are several others. If you get more relief from paroxitine then ask your physician to switch you back.
There are a wide variety of antidepressant and "one size does not fit all", so to speak. It is a matter of trial and error.
There are side effects to most antidepressants and those can include weight gain and loss of sexual desire.
Depression and anxiety is best addressed by finding the stressors in your life and reducing them with the help of
talk therapy (
psychotherapy). It is shown that effective psychotherapy works as well, or better, has no side effects, and may offer a more permanent solution.
Changing our behavior, our thoughts, and sometimes our associations, including our work, can make a positive difference.
Your physician can return to paroxitine or use another medication. it is trial and error. Sertraline is not for you so you should try an alternative, and you should seriously investigate psychotherapy or counseling.
Warmest regards,