24 yo female-5'7" 138 lbs-loss of 30 lbs in 2 mos---DX Aspergers @19 yo---- +H pylori in april--had vomiting prior to DX-then controlled till started antibiotics which started the vomiting again--ER x 3 visits since April-latest today (7/12)Treated w/ fluids, Zofran IV--improved--1st 2 ER visits continued improving altho vomiting began again at later times. Spent 7 hrs in ER today, 2 liters of NS and Zofran IV-lytes, cbc etc nml--felt much better on disch, headache gone, dizziness gone. Within an hr of returning home vomiting has returned. Has had neg Endoscopy. Psychiatrist has decided to stop Prozac over the next week while starting Celexa now. Has not been able to start the change yet due to vomitiing
Where do we go now?? back to ER and insist on admission? or what I know you really cant help--but are we missing anything????
Thanks Connie (mom)