GREAT,I didn t know this was here. I was diagnosed in the year 2000 with copd. The past few weeks with the high 20 and 30 degrees and humidity has lowered my activity to the point that I can no longer walk more than 24 feet then having to sit down. I am on Spiriva, AdVair, Ventilin, etc. I never use them everyday or regularly but lately, once again, there is now a need to. What is the best way to conquer this? I work with seniors in their homes and sometimes I feel they think they should be looking after me instead. Oh, I am 70 years old email: YYYY@YYYY Tomorrow I am taking the day off because the temp is to be 30C and 70% humidity I cannot give them a shower without any air to breathe but heat and humidity Sorry, I should have known there would be money involved. Canada is not even mentioned in countries available to respond to, so I wish you well and apologize that my excitement for an answer has been swayed.