Hi. My son was recently diagnosed schizoaffective. Previously he was bi-polar. He had been taking lithium and ziprexa, but when he was hospitalized recently they gave him a shot to last 30 days of Invega. I just read the side affects and he has most all of them - shaky legs, upset stomach, coughing until he throws up, agitation. He did better with the lithium and the Ziprexa, experiencing some drowsiness, but definitely clearing his head. His doctor says he won't see him if he doesn't take the shot, but it is not working for him. The doctor says he can give him another medication for the side affects. I read online that Invega doesn't have as good a rating as other natural medications. Is there any that you suggest? Also do you know anything about the use of CBD as an aid for bi-polar disorder? Thanks from a concerned mother