My son, age 39 diagnosed with Schizoaffective disorder, is receiving Invega shots every two weeks. He had a shot on Wednesday. He has also been prescribed Depakote 500 mg 2 tablets at bedtime. He’s been on the Depakote for about a month. He also has a prescription for Lyrica 25 mg twice a day. Baclofen 10 mg once daily. Today he was given Thorazine 25 mg “Take 2 at bedtime”. He must have taken them when he came home @ 4:30pm. He said he didn’t feel well and went to bed. I know it may sound ridiculous, but I have no info from his outpatient providers, because he won’t sign releases. I can only assume he’s been taken off the Depakote, but I’m worried about all these drugs. I don’t have the highest confidence in his providers. He’s been hospitalized 8 times since February. Do you see any conflicts?