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Zetia [ezetimibe]: is a drug that lower plasma
cholesterol levels by decreasing cholesterol absorption in the small intestines, and because you hate taking drugs and want to go with natural methods, thus following is my necessary suggestion:
i. Apart from medicine, dietary regime and lifestyle changes do play an important part in bringing down the raised level of cholesterol, like
A. Take the right type of diet and eat heartily:
. AVOID sedentary lifestyle, daytime sleeping after meals, newly harvested rice, curd, butter, ghee, cheese, cream, chocolates, cakes, pastries, ice-creams.
. oils should be reduced to a minimum, avoid deep fried foods like puries, bhajees, potato chips.
.avoid potatoes, sweet potatoes, beets, yam, nuts, fruits with sweet pulp like chickoos, bananas, and grapes.
. Avoid processed and tinned foods, opt for fresh foods.
. Drinking
cold water after exercise.
. Eliminate all cold food and drink; you should eat nothing that is refrigerator cold.
.start the meal with a large bowl of thin soup, followed by a good volume of salads prepared with green vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, cucumber, sprouted pulses). This will prevent you from taking extra servings of the meals. Drink plenty of water and diluted buttermilk.
.Avoid rice, take roti or phulka, without oil or ghee.The bhaji servings should be prepared from green leafy vegetables, onions, cauliflower’s, lady’s finger, radish, turnips, mushrooms, sprouted pulses. Oil may be substituted by gravy of tomato, onion, garlic, and ginger, in the curry or bhaji for taste.
. For morning and evening snacks, take recommended fruits, vegetables and low fat (skimmed) milk, black tea without sugar has negligible calories.
. Carbohydrates: fat requires carbohydrates to burn, so take them in moderation like grains.
. Do not eat only 2 large meals a day. It leads to overeating due to hunger. Take snacks in between. It is advisable to eat a good breakfast and light lunch and dinner.
. Keep a quiet and pleasant atmosphere in the dining hall. Watching TV while eating, talking, arguments, angry discussions all lead to overeating.
. Eat slowly; chewing each bite thoroughly gives a feeling of satiation.
. Do not be tempted to finish up the leftovers.
. Use nonstick cooking ware for cooking.
2. You can take Tablet Abana [himalaya pharma] which is used in dyslipidemia: 2 tablets twice daily followed by 1 tablet twice daily as maintenance dose.