Its been 11 months with gerd like symptoms but worst. Jaw pain close to my glands (Only thing that relive the pain in laying in a 45 degrees angle but when I am up walking or doing anything active my jaw pain get worst), entire mouth and tongue gets burning sensation, my teeth gets sensitivity pain, shortness of breath with heart palpitations sometimes, sometimes esophageal spasms and chest pain. I have esophageal motility problem. I have done CT scan on neck and chest, x-rays, ultrasound of neck and abdome. I went to ENT doctors that did the scope and all said nothing is damaged. I went GI doctors which one did an inside scope of my esophagus and stomach 9 mths ago and results came back negative. I have tried all PPI meds (Now I m still taking pantoprazole 40 mg during the day and raberprazole 20 mg at night before bed) I even take marshmallow root pills as well and nothing relive the pain I am going through. No doctors care to do any further investigation and I ve been suffering for mths. Can you possibly give me some answers?