Hi Welcome to HCM -
This is Dr Suchda Naturopath -
Homeopath - MagnetoTherapist looking forward to solve your query. Pls give her age , height ,weight
As you know
cough is a common happening due to any small cause , may be some irritant or some infection in throat .
One thing I would like to know is that cough in your wife's case is persistant for last 4 years ? or there is gap in between any time ?
Has she lost any weight since then ?
What are her eatlng habits does she do any exercise or no ?
What all treatment she had till today ?
Has the Ex ray for lungs been done ?
Since the cough is wet ,what type and color of phelgm comes out .?
I Have to know Your reply for above queries only then proper diagnoses can
be done . Meanwhile , I suggest you to let her do salty luke warm water gargles / kunjal in the morning,for cleansing the internal self .
Make sure she is not having
constipation .
Diet should be simple more of fibers ,Vitamines -A,D&C, minerals
Should drink warm water .
Take 1 cup of hot milk with 1/2 spoon of turmeric at bed time .
In the morning PRANAYAM - Inhale - Hold - Exhale -Hold for 5-10 mins should be followed to strengthen the system of lungs - heart - nose - throat Kapalbhatti & Agnisar for all vital organs .
Homeopathic -Ferrum phose 6 and Calcarea phos 6 alternately 2 dose each at 4 hours gap can help .
I believe it will help your wife . Wish all the best .
for any further query Please don't hesitate to come back
Take care .