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The right diet in a specific stage of kidney disease is important because it can keep your kidney disease from getting worse.
When kidney function is severely decreased to only 15-29 percent of normal function.Protein waste, toxins and minerals build up in the body
causing symptoms like nausea,
vomiting,fatigue,sleep problems,loss of appetite,difficulty in urination or burning urination etc.
So it is very important to adapt your diet to the function level of your kidneys,preventing different components to build up in the body,or lack of other components.
Take less protein,less salt diet,moderate potassium salt,
Avoid non veg diet.
Take fruits containing low fat and
You can take panadol or nurofen but it must be taken only on as and when required basis and must not be habitual to take them.
There are plenty of good medicines for headache just like
paracetamol and
ibuprofen but you should get it diagnosed first for headache rather than just taking symptomatic treatment only.
Consult physician or
urologist for further advise.