Thanks for your query.
Noted the history of suffering from
constipation, bloating and belching since last 6+ months and doing night shifts since 3 years - an Upper GI Endoscopy showed
antral gastritis, consulted 3 Doctors but no effective treatment. Also have
lack of appetite, pain in lower and upper abdomen.
I would advise you hte following in such a situation:
Take a long course of a PPI like
You also need to take antacid, particularly whenever you are on empty stomach.
Motility regulator like
Small frequent meals of soft and bland diet.
8 hours of sound sleep in day time as you have night shifts and I hope you have to continue with this body-clock braking system
No anxiety and/or stress is the key.
If these measures fail, further investigations and treatment may be needed under the guidance of a Gastroenterologist.