It clearly indicates compression on nerves again developed in back region post surgery. It could be due to many factors such as arthritic conditions developed, any reduction in intervertebral gap because of TB if bones,
arthritis, local lesion etc. It all and many others may press the nerves.
Since screws are already there and operation of vertebral columns,
spinal cord etc is not advisable to be performed again n again, pain killers too have limitations. In such cases, I would firmly tell my own patients to get additional support of Ayurveda's pain management oils such as classic Mahavishgarbh oil, Guduchyadi oil, M.Narayan oil or Patent Rumalya liniment by Himalya herbals to be applied lightly over back after hot fomentation. There may be some oral anti arthritic or pain management medicines. These collectively relax muscles, work as anti inflammatory and nervine tonics. Selection of oils or oral med. will be done by your local Ayurveda physician on the basis of current conditions.
Absolutely safe. May be little smelly. But if you get unprecedented relief, you should be ready to tolerate little smell too.
Physiotherapy exercises to be asked by experienced professional to avoid any damage to screw sites etc.