Dear Doctor, 10 days ago I had blood in urine (dark pink urine) for about 3-4 hours in morning (after sexual intercourse, if could be connected), no pain, no fever, ne frequent urination and it stopped itself and hasnt repeated. Before that, I had it one more time about 5 weeks ago- after long swimming in cold water, I had frequest urination for one evening and just few drops of blood, next day all was ok and nothing happened until 10 days ago. I have visited urologist who made me ultrasonography which was totally normal (said only small sand in left kidney) and also urine tests showed no infection. He suggests for me to do cykloscopy to be sure- as I live in Greece only 6 months (from work) and dont know anyone here, I dont really feel trust in this doctor, and before doing cycloscopy get another opinion... Otherwise I am 28 years old woman, healthy, the only thing is past several years I have had in yeast infection- no other health problems. Thank you so much in advance, Madara