Hello, I am a 20 year old woman. I have had dandruff and hair fall since i started playing basketball since the age of 14. my hair fall has been constant despite the medications, treatments and shampoos i have tried. although i havn t tried a single medication course for a long period, i can say that my hair fall decreases with decrease in dandruff. the days i have a lot of dandruff, i am sure to loose a lot of hair. so far i have been able to reduce hair fall by taking care of my hair with home remedies, but recently i am losing more hair than i think is right. once or twice i counted all the hair i ve lost on a single day and it was around 250 strands. also note that these strands have fallen from the roots and not due to any form of physical breakage. i remember that once, many years ago i was taking homeopathy for seborrheic dermatitis, but after not seeing a huge change, i quit it and started concentrating more on my diet and skin/hair hygiene. my background: female, age 20, hair loss has been on and off for 5 years now, frequent dandruff, scaly scalp and white powdery formation that surfaces when i itch my scalp, dandruff lingers even after a very thorough hair wash, used lotions like Kz lotion with little effect, no physical or emotional stress, healthy vegetarian diet, height: 5feet8inches, weight: 65Kg. hair loss mainly from the both sides of my skull, no cases of pattern balding in family, no thyroid or hormonal imbalance, i also exercise regularly and never use styling or dying products on my hair, hair at the ends feels a bit dryer and more brittle due to age/sun damage but i can put that under control with conditioning products/ home remedies. recently, i have noticed that i have lost a lot of hair even from my eyelashes, eyebrows and pubic hair... my questions: is it dermatitis or some vitamin deficiency, or both? is it genetic? i have read that seborrheic dermatitis is due to imbalance of the sebaceous glands... so will regular oiling of hair promote this ailment? what are some hair growth promoting tablets (such as vitamin/iron/calcium) that are safe for ladies to take regularly? what sort of treatment is more advisable? homeopathy or allopathy?