I have gone through your question.
I can understand your concern about the HRT during transition.
prolactin level is normal.
Physically transitioning from male to female, is a complex and individual process.The
Hormone replacement therapy help you to transform your body to female and had an imense impact even on your emotional state,sexual nature and on your reproductive system.
Cross gender
hormone therapy for transwomen may include three different kinds of medicines:
testosterone blockers and progesterones.
About the prolactin level i can say that your body produce prolactin like a male body and the normal range for prolactin in your blood are 2 to 18 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL).
The transition MTF and especially the estrogen therapy can contribute to increase serum prolactin levels but these levels do not fluctuate much upper the limit of your normal range ,if you don't have any disease that stimulate your
pituitary gland that produces too much prolactin).
So my answer for you is:The levels of prolactin during transition are within the normal range 2-18 ng/ml or slightly upper your body normal range.
I suggest to talk with your treating
endocrinologist about your actual hormone levels and the changes that HRT can produce on your normal values.
Hope this informntion is helpful.
If you have other doubts,feel free and ask.