I was diagnosed w/pneumonia around a month or so ago. Have been through 2 sets of antibiotics and 3 of prescription cough syrup. Just today, Dr. prescribed 3rd set of antibiotics, and I go in tomorrow for another x-ray. First few weeks, I fractured 4 ribs, shown on my 2nd x-ray; I may have cracked one more since then, several days ago. As of last night; I have a ‘not sharp’ but, ‘almost sharp’ pain in upper/left chest, right around where you’d put your hand when saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Pain killers help but don’t completely alleviate. This area is not where I believe any of my cracked ribs are. The first 4, seemed to be all centered in my Left Side within relatively close proximity, and the one I think I cracked about a week ago, was in the Right Side in the Back. Is this pain dangerous; is there any way you can get a sense of what this pain might be?