I've been having a lot of anxiety lately my last baby was born 6 months ago but 2 days ago i started having like contractions kind but only like for 10 minutes, yesterday i woke up feeling fine but after noon i started to have body ache, and a little bit later my head started hurting too, my pain was gettiong worse every minute till i started shaking and that pain was making me cry, drove back home and went to bed and like 3 minutes later my fever went up to 104.0, my husband gave me pain killers but nothing seem to work, at 8pm i was able to get up my fever went down to 101.3 and my pain was going away, but i was feeling very very weak and sore, i still have the headache, nothing helps but is not as bad as it was yesterday. Im confused i don't know what happend to me nut im also scared. If anbody have an answer for me i will really apreciate ya'll help. Thakx