I am very overweight. 20 st I am 67. I am type 2 diabetic. I have high blood pressure controlled by medication. I am in permanent AF. I have Hashimotos disease.I had been caring for my husband for the last three years, he was suffering from renal cancer which had spread to his spleen,liver,lungs and bones. He died in August and his funeral was on 18th Sept.On the 23rd Sept I had crushing pains in my chest which was relived by a spray under my tongue. The next day I had an angiogram and suffered a TIA. I recovered overnight and the CT scan showed my brain to be unremarkable.The consultant stopped my Flecanide which I had been on for 8 years. He started me on clopigrel, 75mg candistartin 75mg and atorv astartin 80mg. I do not feel very well, I was phyisically strong before this first episode and am now having chest pain when I attempt even the smallest household job, it is relieved with rest and GTN spay. The other problem I have recently is losing strength in the thigh muscles and my arms. Do you consider that I need to take 80mg of statin and do all these tablets have any contra indications