There are these modalities available psychology and
behavioral therapy [fruits diet, boiled vegetables, antioxidant diets [amla,
aloe vera, basil, curry leaves]. Take tab Natalins Rx for a week as your pain condition. You may need opioids or can ask also for anti-anxiety. Sleep is important [if issues can start under guidance only otherwise dangerous
Tiagabine 2mg] no to caffeine, alcohol, smoke etc.
Vitamin D levels are important for you.
Analgesic too. You can use is Tramadol, anti-anxiety is Alprazolam and for insomnia,
Zolpidem. If you have convulsions then also need to be treated. Use of steroids for SLE is should be done after consultation physical check up and blood tests needed. Mycophenolate can be considered in your case [need CBC, LFT and RFT] regularly. Learning breathing exercises will help in your case.
Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Sunny Madar, General & Family Physician