If you get
heartburn, you know the feeling well: a slight
hiccup and then a burning sensation in your chest and throat. It could’ve been something you ate, particularly any spicy, fatty, or acidic foods.
Pay attention to the foods that cause heartburn for you. While there are some common foods that cause heartburn, everyone has different trigger foods. Keep track of the foods that seem to cause heartburn for you and try to avoid or at least limit your intake of those foods.
Try keeping a food diary to help you keep track of the foods that cause you heartburn.
Common heartburn trigger foods include peppermint, caffeine, sodas, chocolate, citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, onions, and high-fat foods.
Stop eating at least three hours before bedtime. Plan to have your last meal of the day at least three hours before bedtime, since your body requires about two hours to digest the food that you have eaten. If you lay down while there is still food in your stomach, you have a higher chance of getting heartburn.
Drink a glass of low fat or skim milk as a snack between meals. The calcium in milk can act as a temporary acid buffer, which may help to relieve your heartburn. Keep in mind that the effects of drinking milk are only temporary, so you may need to use other methods to help stave off heartburn.
Ginger has also been found effective against heartburn. You can make your own ginger tea by adding a few slices of fresh ginger to boiling water. Cover the water and allow the ginger to steep for 30 minutes before drinking. For best results, drink ginger tea about 20 minutes before a meal.
Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with water and drink the solution. Your stomach produces hydrochloric acid in order to digest food. This is a strong acid which is very corrosive, and causes the burn in your chest. You can neutralize some of the acid by consuming a base, such as baking soda mixed with water. Compared with over the counter antacids, this homemade medicine doesn't taste very good. But drinking a mixture of baking soda and water will bring the pH of the liquid in your stomach and help relieve the burn.
Do not use this method if you are on a low sodium diet because baking soda is very high in sodium.