thank you for posting your query in
see first of all what we look for in an
herpes infection is the severity or extent of the sores...if it is mild and the symptoms are also not that troublesome, generally antivirals are not needed...but in severe cases, antiviral medicine like
ACYCLOVIR or VALACYCLOVIR are prescribed alongwith other medications....
you can do the following-
have plenty of oral fluid
take tab
paracetamol 650/
ibuprofen 400 twice daily if fever or
severe pain is present
take tab pantroprazole 40 once daily before breakfast if ibuprofen is taken
take tab acyclovir/ valacyclovir as specific antiviral medication
and yes...acyclovir or valacyclovir is the best antiviral to be advised in herpes attacks...
hope this was helpful....
contact me for any further query....