I am a 51 years old female and I have been diagnosed with SVT in 2004. I ended up in A@E as I collapsed. Rapid heart beat 180 and incrased BP. Put on medication, fine till 2007, yet another collapse, changed medication, varieous test been done ECG on SO ON. I was ok till 2009 and since then the episodes have increased and the time span from 6 month to 3 month, now it happenes on a 4 weekly basis. I am on Sotalol 80 mg twice and Amlodipine 5mg at night one. Since January this year I have more symptons. I now have high blood pressure, blue hands and lips, loos of balance, co-ordination increased dizzy spells and mild pressure behind breast bone. My last episode was last week. This came out of the blue. I was driving the car and suddenly I felt a bit weired,my heart started to raice fast, felt dizzy, faint, my hands changed colour from blue to white cold hands, lips blue, pale skin, waves of pressure behind my breast bone. Which lasted for one hr. BP 195/104 P 104. After about 2 hr. BP down to 160/85 P 85. I am still not right, I have small episodes of that every day. My feet are getting numb too now at times and it comes on at anytime, not physical related. No stress, nothing. My BP is at times high than low from 160 - 110 and my P goes down to 52. My arteries are fine and my valves are working fine. I end up in A@E and they send me home when I am medical stable. My GP looking into my kidney function and I had many blood test done. Every time I have an episode either consious or lose consiouness, I take longer and longer to recover and I am so tiered after that. I need to sleep for hrs. I am not in controll of this as it can happen anytime. Can you help of what I need to do. Thank you