My son is 16, 6 1 , 156 lbs, no major medical hx other than having strep throat x 3, and scarlet fever at age 6. No known fm hx as he was adopted. He began having chest pains, pain rated a 5 on 0/10 pain scale, described as a sharp, intense pain last approximately 3-4 seconds and then eases in 3-4 seconds. These episodes are increasing in number and frequency. Denies nausea, vomiting, sweating, or any arm/jaw pain. States the attacks are associated with SOB and increased weakness and fatigue. He now sleeps about 12-14 hours or more daily. Denies any depression, drug use, is a straight A band student and states no objection to taking any kind of drug testing when asked by parents (me) and has no hx or s/sx of such, no personality or attitude changes. Went to MD, and had an EKG showing a bundle branch block and lab work shows severe hypocalcemia. He is now wearing a 24 hour holter monitor, so no results from that yet. We can t see the cardiologist until 11/2/11 and are told to just go to the ER if the pain gets too intense. I m so worried and not sure what else to do?