there are many conditions where these symptoms are present .
1-migraine- pain on one side of head
nausea and vomiting
it last for minute to hours.
cluster headache - pain all over head
redness of eyes
3-check your blood pressure -
secondary hypertension might be the cause.
meningitis - it is caused by microorganisms but in this case there would be
severe headache ,nausea and vomiting,raised temprature and most significant
neck rigidity .
5-your symproms are not suggestive of
urinary tract infection because in UTI following symptoms are seen
burning sensation while voiding urine
frequent urge to go for urination
drbbling of urine
low-moderate rise in temprature.
i would suggest you to do following
paracetamol 500mg tablets SOS when having headache
take adequate fluid to keep your body hydrated.
do not skip a meal .
thankyou and takecare