Hi, I am 27yrs old male, working with a Database Firm. Since last 2 years I had mild back pain, which has by now aggravated badly. I consulted doctors for this problem, some said its a non-specific problem, others say its Spondylosis. I have also undergone test for Rheumatoid Arthritis, which is again negative. X-Rays (LS and TS Spine) are normal. Everytime they end up in prescribing some painkillers like Nucoxia MR, Hifenac etc, which no doubt give me an instant relief, but as the affect subsides, the pain resurfaces again. Now my hands and legs have started paining intolerably, I feel pinning sensations in my palm, paws and other parts of my limbs, even at times, I also have started developing static electricity (mainly while sitting for long hours during work) and colleagues shaking hands say that they experience shocks. Earlier sessions of physiotherapy (Traction and Heat treatment) helped reducing pains, but still they too don't give a permanent relief. Kindly suggest what to do. Pain has become unbearable extending from lower back till neck. Please help!