Can understand your concern..
As per your complain cracks at the corner of mouth is known as ANGULAR CHELITIS and it can occur due to a number of reason like bacterial or
fungal infection,
Nutritional deficiency like
iron deficiency anemia,
Vitamin B deficiency,
contact dermatitis caused due to tooth loss leading to decreased vertical height of face of face and formation of skin creases at the corner of mouth and it causes saliva to pool in that area keeping it constantly set and it becomes the more prone site for fungal and bacterial infection as well as the digestive enzymes present in saliva can cause irritation to the skin causing cracking..
Different allergens like lip products,face cosmetics etc can lead to
allergic reaction and cause cracking..
In your case as you wear partial denture there are chances that if you have reduced vertical height can lead to infection and irritation of the skin leading to cracking..
In this case increase in vertical height by manipulating the denture can help..
As you are taking
clotrimazole which are antifungal drugs and if you are already diagnosed with fungal infection you should take antifungal oral medicines also and antifungal oinments should be applied on the cracked lesion..
In case of bacterial infection antibiotics can help..
If nothing helps get checked for nutritional deficiencies as it can be the underlying cause and get treated accordingly..
Hope this information helps..
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Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora..