Hi, Welcome to Health care magic forum.
You are a patient of C.O.P.D, and
asthma, for C.O.P.D
steroids are contra indicated, as the sputum is thickened you are not getting the sputum, as it is stagnated got infected and probably became brown colored , so is getting metallic smell.
You should stop steroids, and use liquifiers like ammonium chloride, are to be used. Antibiotics and diethyl carbamazine citrate also my be necessary.
I advise you to consult a physician for diagnosis and treatment.
I usually prescribe to my patient with such symptoms cifixime,
theophylline, D.E.C,
cough syrup with antihistamine,ammonium chloride, etc if necesory
Avoid taking fruits, juices, ice cream, ice water etc.
Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Thank you.