Ingrown toe nai (IGTN) superseded with infection (onychocryptosis) is very common and is a little bit tricky to treat. You should go to some experienced
General Surgeon or Dermatosurgeon. If affected part of nail bed will not be excised logically through "wedge excision" with proper suturing or "phenolization" to destroy nail matrix, chances would always be there for recurrence or scar formation. Till you see a proper doctor follow following steps immediately:
1) Take a tub of water and put some Warm water in it. Mix
hydrogen peroxide, vinegar and epsum salt and soak you effected toe in it for 20-30 minutes.
2) Then Dry your toe fully and properly by sterilized spirit swab of cotton.
3) Then soak a cotton bud with Quadiderm cream (having
steroid, antibacterial, antifungal function) and place it below the nail carefully so that nail could not grow inside skin.
4) Then apply a Gutter splintage: ask medical store-keeper about gutter splint for toe nail, wear loose shoes and avoid long walk.
5) And do it regularly daily for two month . If infection is there, take antibiotic in consultation with doctor. For pain you will have to take a potent painkiller that could be
paracetamol (
Acetaminophen) or more potent like vicodene-es(Scheduled drug).
If after two months it recurs again then there is no solution but 'phenolization' performed by dermatologists usually or partial 'wedge excision' of a part of nail bed. It is performed under
local anesthesia and it is not as painful as it seems to be. I perform wedge excision in my practice and up till now no case of recurrence has been reported.