We adopted our son when he was twelve. He s twenty-seven now. The last nine years he s been in and out of jail and prison. He s come back home--has been here four months and is doing well in many ways. Has a part-time job, is sober, and is in counseling.He has history of substance abuse, anti-social personality disorder, PTSD, depression, anxiety, and is in the borderline intellectual range of functioning. He s working with the local mental health agency.He s too dependent on me. Because he lives with us I have to remind him of things he needs to do, because it affects us. He doesn t have a drivers license.He likes it here and wants to stay longer than we had planned on. He needs much more help than I can continue to provide, due to my health.Do you think we should see a therapist to help us help him transition successfully? I m often feeling overwhelmed and think I d feel better if we had some kind of plan in place. The counselor he works with doesn t seem to have any goals in place for him.Thanks for your help.