Hi , had a unprotected sex with a sex worker , afte almost 7 days a light sore throught started with sweat at night and some small red rashes on my hands specially right one which arent ithchy and becomes more irritated unde the sun like burning but not itchy 2 days later i had white tong and some little irritation in tongs and also pain in stomack , no apetite, I saw a little ball in middle of my ribs down where they are connected to each other, and little discharge from my anus which was yellow to brown in colour and smells very bad but it was stool , i had a Hiv ag/ ab combo after 11 days from exposure the resulat was 0.11 , i stll feel tired and sweat and discomfort in swalowing. , please tell me about my condition , my test result is considered as nonreactive but is it high for 11 days. ?