Hi, I recently came to WA for an extended stay after my husband passed away. I couldn t find a doctor that would prescribe me my pain management prescriptions which are 185 mg methadone, 3000 mg gabapentin, 4mg dilaudid and 15 mg of mobic a day. I resorted to going to a methadone clinic and it is horrific. My life has been taken away from me. I commute 4 hours a day and am exhausted by the time I get home. The so called counselors treat me like a common criminal. I have been accosted and mugged by thugs going to the clinic to get their methadone and sell it on the street. They make me go daily. I have no time for my children. I am becoming seriously depressed because of this. I have SLE, Sjrogen s Syndrome, Central pain, Back and neck problems. Can Anyone help me??? These so called horrific medications are a miracle for me and allow me to function. I would pay anything just to be able to get a prescription every month. I am not doctor shopping, I do not use drugs or alcohol and I am a responsible single mother. I would LOVE an online appointment and prescription that can be mailed to me the next business day.