my husband is soon to see about going thru a pain pump trial for chronic neuropathy. he s been on many pain meds for months without relief and his pain management doctor, as well as his neurosurgeon, has suggested this procedure. we went to a new pain management doc to get ready for the trial, and he first wanted him to try cymbalta for his pain. he began taking this, but after a wk and then, esp increasing the dosage from 30 to 60mg, he became sleepy to the point it has been almost all night and all day that he sleeps. he is now off the 60 mg and coming off the cymbalta and is still back on the 30mg, then tapering to 1/2 of that, etc. to get him off cymbalta. the new doc has suggested prialt for a pain pump, which we thought would be done from the start. my question is, is prialt related, or does it have any ingrediants in it as the ssri meds? i am concerned because of his affect, his sleeing, his confusion, etc from the cymbalta. he has had no problem with taking his opiods and also has been on fentenyl patches without any problem, except his pain is not being controlled with them. i really have only been used to hearing about using morphine or other opiods with the pump, and also concerned about withdrawl with the prialt. i really can t find any info telling me about the ingrediants in either the cymbalta or prialt. i don t like the fact of using an opiod, but i have no husband when he s been on the cymbalta. he had day where i almost called the ambulance due to his confussion and dizziness until i got him hydrated and eating for hrs. no change in his blood pressure or pulse or other complaints, but he was almost unresponsive for the 2nd or 3 day on the 60 mg of the cmymalta. he did present with a few of the ssri symptoms on the 30mg, but it wasn t too bad. he did also have reduced pain in his limbs. he has a hx of hardware in his back, other surgeries for herniated discs, has had an esophagectomy. he did have a ht attack in 03 with a stent, but no risk factors and the doc then said it was ? related to stress. he never had any other ht problems or blood pressure problems. i would feel more comfortable with seeing him on the morphine, or similiar drug with the pump, only as i have known these drugs and people that have used it. i m very leary about prialt. can you give me any information regarding prialt vs morphine or the other drugs of choice before we see the pain managment doc and hopefully go for the trial and then the permenant pump? he is going to be 67 y/0.