About a year ago (dec 09) I had my first experience with vertigo. It lasted 2-3 hours before eventually I just went to bed. Roughly a week later while at work I felt the "moving" effects for 30-40 mins. I then went to my doctor, and he had me do a series of head movements to see if I would be effected, however nothing happened. He said to return if it happens again, well...13 months later....BAM! Had to leave work early as I was feeling not so much dizzy, but swaying, and kind of dragged vision. This lasted for 5 plus hours before I went to bed. Balance was slightly off and moving my head only made it worse. It is the WORST feeling trying to get rid of it. You feel like you are in a whole nother world. I didn't feel nausious really, just dizzy and aggrevated. Woke up the next day and everything was back to normal. Looking back now, my left ear has felt like it has needed to be popped for months. The hearing is a little muffled but there is no pain and 90% of the time I barely notice it. I have since been reading everything to do with vertigo, dizziness and ear infections. Im sure my ear is the whole problem, but why does it only happen once a year and not more often...I mean i'm thankful thats all it is, but just want to rid this problem. Im hoping it is something that has an easy solution and not a long term problem. There is some wax build up, but it feels like it's just inside enough that it cant be seen and is in the canal itself. Can my doctor just clean out the ear canal some how? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance.