Hello dear
I understand your concern
Foul vaginal odour could be due to improper hygiene, chemical reaction caused by cosmetics,
bacterial vaginosis.
If odour is severe and bothersome then consult the gynecologist and go for vaginal examination, swab test to rule out above causes
Take following advises:
Wah vagina with warm salted water 2-3 times per day and then apply apple cidar vinegar.
Use V vaginal plus wash to maintain proper hygiene.
Avoid douching and excessive sweets in diet.
Use chemical cosmetics
Wear pure cotton loose inner.
Avoid sweats and keep the area clean and dry
Maintain proper hygiene before and after sex and urination
lactobacillus suppository
If bacterial vaginosis will detect then use clingen suppository
Hope this may help you
Contact HCM for further health query
Best regards
Dr. Sagar