Thanks for posting in HCM.
I understand your concern.
Nocturnal emission is not a disease. It is a natural way by which body tries to drive out accumulated semen over a period of time. It is especially common during adolescent and youg adulthood. Hence, you need not be worried much about this disorder. Psychological
stress could be a precipitating factor for these. Most of these cases donnot require anu treatment and just needs reassuranve. Also, you can overcome the problem of
premature ejaculation.
Kindly do the following to overcome them.
1. Practice behavioural therapy in the form of '
pause and squeeze' technique regularly.
2. Include in your diet almonds, dates, papaya and milk which will help to sustain erecrion better.
3. Pass urine before going for sleep.
Gradually, you can overcome these problems as you would gain more confidence.
Hope the information provided would be helpful.
All the best.