Noted the history of your husband mistakenly taking 6 tablets of 10 mg of
prednisolone three times a day that is total 180 mg per day.
This surely can cause gastritis and related problems like ulcer and water retention in the form of bloating of body with retained fluid.
Surely you should take him to the Doctor for clinical evaluation, Upper GI Endoscopy as he has developed the complications like hiccoughs and
Take a PPI like
Pantoprazole and
Antacid liquid every three hours.
Soft bland diet.
Rest and sedation.
Further management as per the findings of endoscopy,
stool test and blood cortisol levels.
Further management strictly under the guidance of a Doctor.
This needs to be taken seriously to avoid further complications.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. T. Chandrakant, General Surgeon